Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tibia 's Mage Guide

This guide is about Tibia 's Mage Guide ,I hope you can like it :)

Level 1 ~ 8.9

When you start the game, you will be in the tutorial island. I recommend doing it, because it will get you 150 free exp and a few useful items. If you prefer not, you can skip the tutorial by saying "skip tutorial" to the first npc you see on the island.

When you finish tutorial island, the first thing you should do is kill pigs and sheep and get as many meat as you can. Fill out your cap with it and then go sell them. Remember, just keep repeating this process until you get at least 60 gp. Now, buy a mace (or axe or a sword) with the money you just earned (maces are about 35 gp), a wooden shield (15 gp at shop), and a leather leg (10 gp at shop). After that, in the house north of Tom the Tanner, do the Doublet Quest.

Now, you have the basic equipments. If you are a NG user, go to Al Dee's rats and hunt there (don't forget to use the almost the "almost level 9" script). If you are a free account player, you can go to Al Dee's rats too until you get level 3 and then hunt the bridge north of town (either the bear cave, trolls cave, wolf cave, or the ladder down straight north after getting off the bridge). If you are a premium account player, you can either hunt at the rats on the premium side of Rookgaard or at the trolls tower in the west plain of the premium side.

You can also do the Chain Armor Quest, Legion Helmet Quest, or the Carlin Sword Quest while you are still at Rookgaard, but do not forget to sell them before you leave, as the Isle of Destiny will provide you with free equipments according to the vocation you choose.

Level 9 ~ 20

Keep hunting, but keep in mind that once you reach level 13, you can consider buying a melee weapon (or level 20) to use while you hunt since rods and wands uses mana and you might run out in the middle of a hunt. It is also a good idea to bring a few mana potions, as this level is a primary target for lower level PKers.

Free Account:

You can either go to Carlin or Venore, but always make sure that before you go hunting, you have bought Exura and a Dwarven Shield as they are extremely useful and fairly cheap. Personally, I like Venore a little more because it is relatively more safe. Buy a shovel and a rope if you do not have one, as you will need them to go to the Venore Swamp Trolls or the Venore Rotworm Cave. If you went to Carlin, make sure you buy a few health potions on the way and head straight north west to Folda. Remeber, you are only level 9, so hunt only on the surface and the first floor. If you get bored of this place, you can also go to Femurs Hills to hunt goblins and sell the small stones for money or go to Thais for rotworms.

Premium Account:

I suggest going to the Edron Trolls and Goblin Peninsula or the Port Hope swamp trolls as they are both good hunting spots for levels 9 to 20. To reach the Edron Trolls and Goblin Peninsula, go south of DP, into the sewers, head west, then after you get out, head north. Leveling there should not be too hard, and you can also collect the small stones and sell them for a very good price (about 100 for 1k in my world).

After reaching level 10, you can start hunting at Edron Rotworms, Darashia Rotworms, or at level 12 Port Hope Swamp Trolls (beware or lured slimes or terror birds). At level 15, you can start hunting at Larva caves, which is actually a very good source of experience at this level.

Level 20 ~ 35

From the money you got from levels 9 to 20, buy a plate set and always remember to upgrade your rod/wand to the newest one. If you have enough money, also try and buy a level 20 weapon as you will need it if you are hunting weaker monsters or else you would run out of mana. If you cannot afford a level 20 weapon, try and get a decent no-level weapon that has a good Attack/Cost ratio. Remember to always upgrade your melee weapon if you have the spare money to, as you will be saving a lot of mana while you hunt.

Do the Desert Quest.

Free Account:

The best place for free account mages is probably the Fibula Rotworm Cave. The exp rate ranges highly, sometimes in the low 5k/h or even reaching a peak of 15k/h. When you are at Fibula, always bring a few parcels, as there is a mailbox beside the entrance (the guild hall), and also some health or mana potions, as this is a common spot for PKers (because it is so far from town).

Mages at this level can also kill cyclops for gaining experience points. Mount Sternum is a perfect example, but beware of Cyclops Drone and Smiths, as sometimes they can be very deadly. Because Mount Sternum is always full, mages can also hunt at the Thais South Cyclops, which is just directly south (south east) of town. Experience rate there can be quite good too, but because it is not as big as Mount Sternum, sometimes the rate would not be as good as well if it is crowded.

Premium Account:

At level 20, Premium account users can hunt at the Liberty Bay Rotworm. You will need a rope and shovel, so do not forget to bring them. You can also try going to Dworcs, which are located on the shore very south of Port Hope. Their entrances are usually hidden behind trees so just walk around and you will find yourself suddenly in a very dark place. Never forget to bring health or mana pots as they are very important and will keep you alive a lot of times.

Another good hunting spot for mages after level 30 is the North Port Hope Jungle (or level 25 and above if you want to use a melee weapon and have good skills). The exp rate over there can be quite good too, especially if you are alone. To hunt there, you can bring a melee weapon and use the "Exori Flam" spell when you see a Terror Bird or a Slime. The jungle waypoint and script for NG users can be found here at the bottom of the page. Always remember to bring 2 or more backpacks of mana potions, as the spell "Exori Flam" costs manas. If you don't want to use a melee weapon to hunt in the jungle, you can also use a rod or wand, but the speed of mana running out would be way faster.

Level 35 ~ 50

Wherever you go now, you should always be carrying more than one bp of health and mana pots. They can really save lives. Now, you should have some money to spare. Do the Noble Armor Quest, the Crusader Helmet Quest, and the Mad Mage Room Quest. Sell the noble armor and the crusader helmet (if you want) and buy a blue set (try to get the blue robe as soon as possible - maybe level 25). Also, do not forget to upgrade your rod/wand and get a good shield, as they are very important too. At level 40, try to get a Boots of Haste when you have the money too; they are extremely useful.

Free Account:

Leveling a free account user from now on will not be as easy. You can either hunt Cyclops at Mount Sternum (or at the Thais South Cyclops), at Mintwallin, or at the Thais Dragon Layer.

While hunting at Mintwallin, it is recommended to take a friend, as you will be able to kill more monster quicker and be able to bring more mana potions. Another tactic for hunting in Mintwallin, alone, is to summon a monk or two to help you kill the monsters. Mintwallin has a big spawn, so if you meet a crowd of 10 different kinds of minotaurs, it is recommended to use mana shield and run while your monks or friends attack them. Also remember to bring a lot of GFBs or other fire runes; they will be very useful.

When hunting at the Thais Dragon Layer, always bring a ice weapon such as the Hailstorm Rod and a lot of avalanche and icicles runes. Never be outnumbered by a dragon, so stay on alert and make sure you are always dealing with them one at a time. Also remember to always stay diagonal in order to avoid the unnecessary great energy beam.

Premium Account:

There are four options for a premium user hunting at this level. Continue at dworcs, the Port Hope jungle, the Giant Spider Tomb, or the Thais Dragon Layer.

While hunting at the Giant Spider Tomb, make sure you know what is under the floor below you when you go down. The first floor is filled with normal creatures that are very easy to kill. On the second floor, there are mummies and demon skeletons which might be a little more difficult. On the third and last floor, there are vampires, priestess, necromancers, and lich which might be a little strong for lower level players. Remember, if this is your first time, always bring a friend that is more experienced so that you will not die.

Level 50 ~ 75

These are the levels where leveling free account players will be very difficult and boring.

Free Account:

There is not much to say, but to hunt at Mount Sternum, the Plains of Havoc, or the Thais Dragon Layer.

The Plains of Havoc is probably the best place to hunt at this level, so make sure before you go, bring a big supply of pots and runes. It is also good to go with a friend, because mages do not have very good defense skills. After the winter update of 2006, a bigger spawn of giant spiders have been added. To stay safe, hunt near the temple, so whenever you spot a Giant Spider, the protection zone will be a good place to hide.

Premium Account:

A very good creature to hunt at this level is the ancient scarab. To kill them, just use fire attacks as they are very weak (+20%) to them. They can paralyze too, so always be on alert to use "Exura" whenever you get paralyzed. Also, a very good tip is to: play them manual. If you did not, there will be a very high chance that you will die.

Tibia 's Knight Guide

This Guide is about Tibia 's Knight Guide,I hope you can love it:)

Level 1 ~ 8.9

When you start the game, you will be in the tutorial island. I recommend doing it, because it will get you 150 free exp and a few useful items. If you prefer not, you can skip the tutorial by saying "skip tutorial" to the first npc you see on the island.

When you finish tutorial island, the first thing you should do is kill pigs and sheep and get as many meat as you can. Fill out your cap with it and then go sell them. Remember, just keep repeating this process until you get at least 60 gp. Now, buy a mace (or axe or a sword) with the money you just earned (maces are about 35 gp), a wooden shield (15 gp at shop), and a leather leg (10 gp at shop). After that, in the house north of Tom the Tanner, do the Doublet Quest.

Now, you have the basic equipments. If you are a NG user, go to Al Dee's rats and hunt there (don't forget to use the almost the "almost level 9" script). If you are a free account player, you can go to Al Dee's rats too until you get level 3 and then hunt the bridge north of town (either the bear cave, trolls cave, wolf cave, or the ladder down straight north after getting off the bridge). If you are a premium account player, you can either hunt at the rats on the premium side of Rookgaard or at the trolls tower in the west plain of the premium side.

You can also do the Chain Armor Quest, Legion Helmet Quest, or the Carlin Sword Quest while you are still at Rookgaard, but do not forget to sell them before you leave, as the Isle of Destiny will provide you with free equipments according to the vocation you choose.

Level 9 ~ 20

Free Account:

You can either go to Carlin or Venore, but always make sure that before you go hunting, you have bought Exura and a Dwarven Shield as they are extremely useful and fairly cheap. Personally, I like Venore a little more because it is relatively more safe. Buy a shovel and a rope if you do not have one, as you will need them to go to the Venore Swamp Trolls or the Venore Rotworm Cave. If you went to Carlin, make sure you buy a few health potions on the way and head straight north west to Folda. Remeber, you are only level 9, so hunt only on the surface and the first floor. If you get bored of this place, you can also go to Femurs Hills to hunt goblins and sell the small stones for money or go to Thais for rotworms.

Premium Account:

I suggest going to the Edron Trolls and Goblin Peninsula or the Port Hope swamp trolls as they are both good hunting spots for levels 9 to 20. To reach the Edron Trolls and Goblin Peninsula, go south of DP, into the sewers, head west, then after you get out, head north. Leveling there should not be too hard, and you can also collect the small stones and sell them for a very good price (about 100 for 1k in my world).

After reaching level 10, you can start hunting at Edron Rotworms, Darashia Rotworms, or at level 12 Port Hope Swamp Trolls (beware or lured slimes or terror birds). At level 15, you can start hunting at Larva caves, which is actually a very good source of experience at this level.

Level 20 ~ 35

As of level 20, you should have at least skills of about 40/40 minimum. If you do not, you should train on the places listed in the Level 9 ~ 20 section on full defense. From the money you got from levels 9 to 20, buy a plate set and a level 20 weapon. If you cannot afford a level 20 weapon, buy a decent no-level weapon that has a good Attack/Cost ratio so that when you do have enough money, you will be able to afford a good weapon.

Do the Desert Quest.

Free Account:

Mount Sternum undead first and second floor is probably the best place in Tibia for knights of level 20 to 35. It has a very good exp rate and also a very good gp loot rate. The only problem is that ghouls and skeletons do not drop food, so you would have to bring somes mushrooms. Another way of getting food is to occasionally leave the cave to hunt a few cyclops and loot them. Do not forget to bring health or mana pots, as sometimes there will be lured crypt shamblers or beholders on the run.

Another good place for Free Account knights is the Fibula Rotworm Cave. The exp rate ranges highly, sometimes in the low 5k/h or even reaching a peak of 15k/h. When you are at Fibula, always bring a few parcels, as there is a mailbox beside the entrance (the guild hall), and also some health or mana potions, as this is a common spot for PKers (because it is so far from town).

Premium Account:

At level 20, Premium account users should hunt at the Liberty Bay Rotworm. You will need a rope and shovel, so do not forget to bring them. If you have skills over 50, you can try going to Dworcs, which are located on the shore very south of Port Hope. Their entrances are usually hidden behind trees so just walk around and you will find yourself suddenly in a very dark place. Never forget to bring health or mana pots as they are very important and will keep you alive a lot of times.

Level 35 ~ 50

Wherever you go now, you should always be carrying more than one bp of health and mana pots. They can really save lives. Now, you should have a balance of about 40k. Do the Noble Armor Quest and the Crusader Helmet Quest. Sell the noble armor and helmet and buy a knight set (or a crown set if you can afford it). Also, do not forget to buy a good weapon and a shield, as they are very important too.

Free Account:

Shadowthorn, Dark Cathedral, and Orc Fortress are the best place to get experience point at levels 36 to 50. Shadownthorn would be the easiest, there it is recommended to try that place first (maybe even at level 30). Even though it might be a little difficult and boring to travel there, the exp rate there would sure make the whole trip rather worth it.

If Shadowthorn is not the place for you, you can also visit Dark Cathedral to make a change. Dark Cathedral is located south of Outlaw Camp and is a very popular place. Don't forget to always stay cautious, as lured vampires or giant spiders could always be on your tail.

If you have really high skills, you can also go to Ulderek's Rock, also known as the Orc Fortress. It is located north of Venore and east of Ab'dendriel. Even though the way there can be quite long and frustrating, it is still worth it, as the exp rate can sometimes be as high as 60k per hour. The strongest creatures there are the Orc Warlords and the orc boss Warlord Ruzad. Do not forget to bring a lot of additional health and mana potions; a full spawn in the deeper part of the castle can easily kill a level 60 or even 70 knight. It is recommended to bring AoE runes, like said before, orcs come in packs.

Premium Account:

Premium account users of this level can either stay in Dworcs (see level 20 to 35 section) for cash or go to the Laguna Islands or Chakoyas for exp.

To reach the Laguna Islands, you will need to do the Eleonore Quest. The strongest monster on the island are the tortoises so they should not be very hard.

To kill Chakoyas, you will have to go to the island Inukaya. Chakoyas are not hard, so killing them should not be so hard either. Killing these can give you a good exp rate, as exp rates on killing creatures on this island can get as high as 30k per hour.

Level 50 ~ 70

At this level, it is more fun to level than just bot your characters. Now, take this time to upgrade your equipments and try to make them into a set like Demon Shield (Or Mastermind Shield if you can afford it at your world), a Dragon Scale Mail, and a Crown Leg or Golden Legs. A royal helmet would also be very good.

Free Account:

This part at level 50 is actually a somewhat hard because you are just in the middle of the minimum level requirements. Good hunting places would be too hard, but easy hunting places would give too few exp. If you want to get through this level fast, you can either stay at the Orc Fortress (look at levels 35 to 50 section), go to the Thais Dragon Liar, or hunting around the temple in the Plains Of Havoc.

If you want to go to the Thais Dragon Liar, it is recommended to bring a huge supply of potions as Dragon and especially Dragon Lord's attacks can sometimes be very destructive. A common tactic used by players is to lure the dragon to a spot where it can be killed one on one. Remember, always stay diagonal to a dragon to avoid the unnecessary strong energy beam damage. Also, dragons run away at low health so be careful not to not chase it into a another big dragon spawn.

Another place for Free Account players is the area beside the Temple in the Plains of Havoc. After the winter update of 2006, a bigger spawn of giant spiders have been added. Therefore, to avoid dying, always remember to bring a lot of health and mana potions and have skills of at least 70/70. If you do not have skill of 70/70, it is still okay to hunt there, but killing a giant spider when you meet one would require more time and and more health potions.

Premium Account:

A very good place for this level is Mistrock, but since Mistrock can be quite hard for players under level 60, it is recommended to continue hunting at the Laguna Islands, the Orc Fortress, or the Thais Dragon Liar until you reach level 60.

Mistrock is one of the islands in south west Yalahar and is filled with Cyclops. Hunting here can be quite profitable since there is a mailbox on the island and players will be able to parcel back their loot after each hunt and stay for days before heading back to the main islands for supplies.

Tibia 's introduction

Tibia is one of the oldest massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPG), first released in January 1997. It is a free game which is open to the public, though players have the option to pay a fee in order to upgrade to a premium account, granting special in-game benefits, including additional areas to explore, access to vocation promotions, and extra spells.

There are about 300,000 players, mostly from from the Netherlands, Mexico, Chile, Brazil, The United States, Canada, Poland, and Sweden[citation needed], distributed amongst some 74 servers located in Germany and the United States.

Gameplay involves advancing levels while training to improve skill levels, hunting monsters using weapons and magical spells, gathering treasure, doing quests and exploring the Tibia world. Players interact with each other in character for conversation, trade and group battles and partake in guilds for more role-playing opportunities. On most of the game''s servers, players are also allowed to attack and kill each other, although there is a system in place to keep hostile actions under control called the skull system. Some servers do not allow such player versus player combat at all, while others encourage it by rewarding experience for kills.

The concept of the game is to hunt creatures, or monsters, to gain experience points. Gaining experience points allows the character to advance in levels. When a charater dies during game play, 10% of its experience points are lost, lowering its level by one or more. Dying may also result in losing equipment that the character is carrying. When killing becomes excessive (3 or more in a pvp world) a red skull will be obtained. While having a red skull a character will lose all of his or her items once he or she is dead regardless of having an amulet of loss.

When creating a character, over 74 different Worlds (servers) can be chosen from. While each world is exactly the same in appearance, there is one main difference: whether or not players can attack each other. Three choices are given when a new character is created: Player vs. player, Player vs. player enforced, and Non-player vs. player. Antica is the first server created and when it was first created, it was simply called "Tibia". With the creation of new servers, "Tibia" was changed to "Antica".

In the game, there are four vocations, each with advantages and disadvantages. All new characters start out without a vocation. Once a character reaches level eight, he can go to the Island of Destiny where he chooses a vocation from four choices. Knights specialise in melee, Paladins in distance, Sorcerers in black magic, and druids in white magic. Once a vocation is chosen, the choice cannot be reversed. Premium players can purchase a promotion for their character''s vocation once they have reached level 20 for a one-time fee of 20,000 gold pieces. The Promotion gives the character various in-game advantages.

The game also has a large number of Non-Playable Characters, or NPCs. NPCs are there to buy/sell items and for quests and other roleplaying purposes.